Sunday, July 28, 2024

Commodities Update 27 Jul 2024

BDI closed lower from 1,902 (19 Jul) to 1,808 (26 Jul)

Harpex remained the same at 1,997 (26 Jul)

CDFI closed lower from 1,202.33 (19 Jul) to 1,185.11 (26 Jul)

CCFI closed higher from 2,153.56 (19 Jul) to 2,180.69 (26 Jul)


Download Commodities COT

Instruments that show buying interest (3) by Producer/Merchant/Processor/User
Down Trend
  • Soybeans
  • Corn (1)
  • Oats (1)
  • Sugar
  • Lumber
  • Cotton (1)
  • Gasoline
  • Palladium
  • None
Up Trend
  • Feeder Cattle (1)

Instruments that show selling interest at extreme (2) only by Producer/Merchant/Processor/User
Up Trend
  • None
  • None
Down Trend
  • None

(1) COT Index >= 90, Buying interest at extreme
(2) COT Index <= 10, Selling interest at extreme
(3) COT Index >= 70, rising COT Index, monitor for a trend reversal
Down Trend and Up Trend are based on 50 Simple Moving Averages

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